
Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest aquaculture and Tilapia farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Shortcomings of modern water pumps

Shortcomings of modern water pumps

Choose the best pump you can afford for your system. A cheap purchase will end up costing you money.
The desert: hot, dry, and perfect for fish production

The desert: hot, dry, and perfect for fish production

Groundwater extracted from arid areas is often unsuitable for irrigation, but it would be ideal for aquaculture.
Which fish should be farmed in SA, and where?

Which fish should be farmed in SA, and where?

Our climate varies dramatically from season to season, limiting the fish species that can be used in aquaculture, and the locations where it can take place.
Beware the peddlers of fake news in aquaculture!

Beware the peddlers of fake news in aquaculture!

It’s time to expose the urban legend that South Africa is too cold for tilapia farming, even in outdoor ponds.
Redfin minnow

Farmers can help save endangered fish species

The populations of many indigenous fish are in decline. Here’s an easy and practical solution to boost their numbers.
Aquaculture in Africa: the successes and failures

Aquaculture in Africa: the successes and failures

Developments such as cage culture of tilapia and small, privately owned pond systems signal a positive trend.
The butter catfish

Indigenous species: let’s widen the net for aquaculture

A number of indigenous Southern African fish species would be ideal for aquaculture operations. It’s time for serious research into their potential.
The three-spotted tilapia

Why fish farming is booming in Zambia, and not in SA

Private fish farms and government are working together to breed tilapia and grow aquaculture production in Zambia.
Chitralada strain Nile Tilapia

The best fish species for aquaponics

While the Nile tilapia is the fastest grower, it is easier to obtain a permit for the slower-growing Mozambique tilapia.
Understanding the great trout debate

Understanding the great trout debate

The production of trout remains a heated topic between conservationists and aquaculturists.
The divide between knowledge and experience

The divide between knowledge and experience

Many experts have the theoretical knowledge, but fail to put themselves in the shoes of the rural, small-scale fish farmer.
Green water fish systems

Green water fish culture: the perfect alternative

Green water culture provides a highly nutritious ‘soup’ of feed for fish stock, promoting faster growth. It also cuts out the high cost of artificial feed.